Over the Garden Wall finds (part 1)

This year I was introduced to the magical show that is Over the Garden Wall and there are just so many moments I absolutely adore from it. The music is sublime, the animation is so relaxing, the storyline is moving, funny and perfectly halloween-toned, and Greg is my favourite.

So, to share that OTGW love, I've found some incredible people on etsy making incredible things inspired by OTGW. Browse to your hearts content, find some new favourites, and come back in a few days for part two.

Links will take you to item page.

First off, this absolutely beautiful Wirt sculpture. I can just imagine him eyeing up any potential adventures. Found Here

Stickers featuring some of your favourite characters! Look at little Gred, look at his little rock buddy!

An absolutely phenomenal poster for the George Washington gig. Just LOOK at them!

A hand embroidered Enoch patch! Such a phenomenal piece, an absolute treasure.

A lino print of our favourite boys! And look at little Jason! What a cutie!

There are so many beautiful details on this sticker, from the scissors to the mixtape for Sara.

This brooch! Is utterly wonderful! A subtle nod you can wear all year long.

This was definitely one of my favourite episodes (and reveals) - look at all those pumpkin friends in this print!

The candy, the rock, Beatrice looking so done with Wirt. These stickers are fantastic.

This little pumpkin pin! I'm speechless. I am speechless. The grin, the star in its eye. Wonderful.

This patch of the Pottsfield pumpkins is just phenomenal. Imagine it on a jacket! *swoons*

And this patch of Wirt? Oh my goodness, everything about this is magnificent.

So many quoteable moments in Over the Garden Wall and this poster just exemplifies one of the most magical.

And this poster! One of the quotes I personally say the most.

An incredible Enoch shaker - Oh, I just love the details of this so much.

A Wirt pin! *flails*

And a happy little Greg pin! Oh my gosh, just these two are so darn wonderful.

An adorable print of Gred with Jason, and just look at that teapot?! This has so many details and I am just in love.

This print just captures the spooky feel of OTGW so, so perfectly.

And finally, this sticker of our cute boys! That smile! The autumn wreath! Aaahhh!

I hope you enjoyed this collection of some of the cutest things ever oh my gosh and remember to come back tomorrow for part 2 of my Halloween Witches tale!


  1. Omg I want them ALL, you found such adorable bits and bobs Ro!! <3

    1. I'm incredibly happy you enjoyed! Without us discovering OTGW for the first time all together this year I'd never have known to look, and I love these bits and pieces so darn much!


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