I've been having a lot of fun recently looking through etsy and finding items that inspire me, fit a certain theme or are just stinkin' beautiful. It didn't take long for this appreciation and catagorising of beautiful things to turn in the direction of the series I'm currently writing about three witchy siblings: Daphne, Lilac and Tulip (if you're not familiar with them, read the first Witches story here!)
Below is an assortment of items I feel fit perfectly into the lives of my witches; things they would wear and use and adore. Links will take you to them etsy listing/store. I hope you enjoy!
First up are these gorgeous crochet broches by
TrucCrafts, one for each of my witches. Daphne, with her love of flora and romantic side would have the mistletoe, Lilac with her connection to trees would have the acorn and I can just see forest creatures presenting Tulip with bouquets each morning.
I actually own one of Truc's glorious brooches and they are just the daintiest, most beautiful things imaginable. Perfect for my witches.
A vintage ring worn by Queen Sap, a sign on her royalty and the bond she has with nature.
Matching yet unique witch hat pins for Lilac...
For darling Daphne...
Tulip (just look at that little bunny!)...
And of course Queen Sap. These pins are all beautiful and show such a unique side of each witch's magic and personality.
Tulip, a young witch with all the ferocity in the world. Even when she flies her broom unwittingly into the sea.
This illustration simply sings magic to me. I imagine Daphne, with her love of plants, would have something just like this in her room or workspace.
And finally these glorious little plant friends. I can just imagine them coming to life and chittering away with the girls as they work, companions, friends and perfect sweeties.
I hope you enjoyed this selection of pieces that I put together; I had a glorious time working on this and have a few more posts in a similar style planned, but if you have any suggestions for themes do let me know.
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